Henderson Lodge #477

Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons

2010 - 2011 A. D. - 6010 - 6011 A. L.


Conceal Carry Class -- Fundraiser

Sign- UP Sheet


CCW Fundraiser will be held November 5, 2011 at Henderson Lodge in Rogersville.

All day class starts @ 9:00 AM

Next Class
 June 9th
First Class
October 8th




1  PD Eric Elliot 12 PD Jerry White
2  PD Alan Cole 13 PD Chris Schook
3  PD Vernon Nichols  14 PD John Schook
4  PD Honey Rapp 15 PD Mark Kennemer
5  PD Harold Nester 16 PD Eric Fuelts
PD Sonny Proctor 17 PD Tim Johnson
7  PD Jeannie Lawson 18 PD Richard Fuller
8  PD Rod Shafer 19 PD Roger Cowan
9  PD Sondra Shafer 20 PD Bobbie Neufeld - NS
10 PD Don Davis 21 PD Cody Leader - NS
11 PD Bill Hull 22 PD Jack White -- NS